Double Image While Using gatsby-image and MDX

If you run into the issue of having both the blurred image and original image present when using Gatsby and MDX, it’s likely that your config just needs a little TLC.

Adding Gatsby-remark-images to the plugin array for gatsby-plugin-mdx will fix it:

  "resolve": `gatsby-plugin-mdx`,
  "options": {
    "extensions": [".mdx", ".md"],
    "defaultLayouts": {
      "default": path.join(__dirname, "./src/templates/markdown-page.js")
    "gatsbyRemarkPlugins": [
        "resolve": `gatsby-remark-images`,
        "options": {
          "maxWidth": 860,
          "backgroundColor": "none"

However you might still have an issue. This was done already with the Gatsby blog theme, and I still had it. I found this issue that recommended putting Gatsby-remark-images as a plugin on its own in the config, repeating that it’s being used.:

  "resolve": `gatsby-plugin-mdx`,
  "options": {
    "extensions": [".mdx", ".md"],
    "defaultLayouts": {
      "default": path.join(__dirname, "./src/templates/markdown-page.js")
    "gatsbyRemarkPlugins": [
        "resolve": `gatsby-remark-images`,
        "options": {
          "maxWidth": 860,
          "backgroundColor": "none"
  "resolve": `gatsby-remark-images`,
  "options": {
    "maxWidth": 860,
    "backgroundColor": "none"
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